Headlights - searchlights, fog lights, tuning ...


Automotive mounted lighting equipment is: the so-called. spotlights, "fog lights", additional brake lights, strobes, "colored paths". Someone uses this additional equipment to tune their car, someone installs them solely for practical reasons ... In any case, both of them, this review of car mounted optics may be useful.

Fog lights.
This is the most common type of mounted optics, which are installed all the time, and even already routinely - at the car manufacturer's plant. The purpose of fog lights follows from their name - to pierce the fog in a special way with a directed beam of light of a certain spectrum.
The design feature of "fog lights" is a combination of a "scattering" pattern of the headlight glass and a lamp of a special spectrum. Fog lights are installed on top or under the bumper, or bump directly into the bumper.
Fog lights are available in halogen and xenon. They are rectangular and round in shape. In addition to the front ones, there are also red rear fog lamps.

High beam headlights.
These hinged headlights are no less popular than fog lights. Their purpose also follows from the name: enhancing the high beam of standard headlights, well, and "tuning" car decoration. The variety of designs and versions of this kind of headlights is huge: halogen and xenon; square, rectangular and round; the size of a pack of cigarettes to a tea tray ...
High-beam headlights are installed on the bumper (or integrated into it), as well as on the "kenguryatnik" of an SUV or the cross member of the roof rack.

Additional brake lights.
Another recognized type of "lighting equipment", which is installed and regular. The purpose of additional brake lights is to signal braking to drivers of buses and trucks who, in heavy traffic, due to a high landing, may not see the standard brake lights. Of course, additional brake lights will not interfere with informing other road users.
The most common type of auxiliary brake lights for private installations is a red light of various sizes, which, in the amount of 1 or 2, is placed inside the passenger compartment, in front of the rear window. Sometimes double brake lights are equipped with turn signals. Popular is an external brake light - a plastic case with a diode track, which is placed outside on the rear door of a station wagon, SUV or hatchback.

Colored illumination.
Young and cheerful people have a high demand for colored lighting. The basis of such devices is light bulbs and LEDs of various colors, which are produced either individually, in shades of various designs, or several pieces in one circuit (in the form of a colored tube).
This lighting equipment is installed wherever the imagination of the car owner allows: under the bottom, it crashes into the bumper and onto the trunk lid.

Stroboscopes - blue flash.
This lighting equipment refers to the image lighting. These are small square or round headlamps with discharge lamps. Stroboscopes do not light continuously, but flash a bright light blue like a camera flash. The flashing frequency is adjustable in many models.

Spotlight Finder.
For car owners traveling to places far from civilization, the headlight-seeker is intended. This headlamp is a powerful 360-degree rotating floodlight on an electrically operated platform. The searchlight is installed on the roof of the SUV, and is controlled from the salon.
Individuals have the right to turn on the "finder" and use it only outside of settlements and in the absence of oncoming cars.

Clause GOST R51709-2001 reads: “When operating a vehicle, it is allowed to install a spotlight (it is also a hinged high beam headlight. - Ed.) Or a searchlight, if provided by the vehicle manufacturer, one additional braking signal above the main, two fog lights. headlights and no more than two fog lamps. Installation of other headlights, signal lights and reflectors not provided by the manufacturer in the operational documentation of the vehicle is not allowed ”.
